At times, most of us accept how change happens and there is little to nothing we can do but embrace it. For many, change does not equate to a sudden dreadful modification of what we take comfort in doing, seeing, or experiencing. In fact, change can be welcomed by those who want to make a difference, particularly those who may graduate from a learning institution, look for a job, or even face a personal life transition. Sure, it was once stated how only the strong survive but that does not deter from the fact that most everything, including our own planet, has witnessed some form of change, whether it be through its seasons, climate, or even how humans have impacted it. The point is, change occurs and it is wiser to embrace such happenings than go against or try to prevent it ... unless, of course, it may be something which needs to stay as a constant, such as love, faith and hope, which is perfectly okay, too.