This Gregorian New Year has been about Letting Go!
Though some might say, "It is written in the stars," when it comes to Astrology, this may be true for most when applied to the concept of self-care and healing. The theme has been about, Letting Go! Though many believe a lot of us are at a pivotal point in time, there are moments when one must let go of that which no longer serves him or her, or that of a past which had continued to haunt him or her.
Self-healing really is about accepting what is and working with what one must do in order to move forward. In these fast-moving, technical times, doing so may cause some anxiety, depression, or even anger when it comes to any type of change. After all, change is scary but sometimes necessary. It is important that some of us are honest toward our own self and that we also have the courage to either build something new, or simply, Let Go!
Perhaps the time has come for many of us to Let Go of what was and embrace that which will be. We should take time to finish healing, take a deep breath, and then release it! Let it ALL Go - all that which no longer serves YOU!
Best Wishes in this New Year!